Jeanette Gonzalez

Welcome to my web site!
I am an energy healer trained in various disciplines, including shamanism, crystal healing, Reiki, Akashic Record reading, and channeling (guides, angels, ascended masters, and other Light beings). If you are interested in knowing more about any of these topics, please see below (or click any of the links in the About section of this web site).
I was born psychically open, and thus self-taught through much of my life on how to work with my gifts. As a small child, when I saw the spirit of my grandmother the night she died, I realized that I often saw things others did not. I learned how to work with the Spirit world to bring healing and information, though I do not guarantee I will receive such information during a healing session.
Over the years, I have learned that true healing comes from addressing all aspects of our multidimensional self: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric/Energy, and Spiritual. One of my goals as a healer is to help my clients clear and release old patterns, to make way for new ones that bring more Light and healing into one’s life.
As a facilitator, I hold sacred space and channel in divinely guided Light to help my clients heal themselves. Everyone can access this Light on their own, but I also understand that we all need help at times.
Akashic Records Advanced Practitioner and Healing Through the Akashic Records
Channeling to receive information from the Akashic Records, a spiritual realm that contains all possibilities about one’s past, present, and future.
Advanced Crystal Master
Using a combination of the Hibiscus Moon method as well as my own intuition and spiritual guidance, I use crystals during in-person as well as distance healing sessions. This can be direct application (on a client’s chakras, around their physical body, and under and around the table), or used in crystal grids for distance work. Whether directly applied, or used in grids, crystals are powerful allies for energy healing and transformation.
Mayan Electromagnetic Restoration
Physical hands-on healing to balance the chakras and restore the body’s electromagnetic field. Multidimensional healing (physical, emotional, mental, etheric, auric, spiritual).
USUI Reiki Master
Channeling Reiki Light energy, either hands-on or distance healing, for multidimensional healing (physical, emotional, mental, etheric, auric, spiritual).
SourcePoint Therapy Practitioner
SourcePoint Therapy is a simple, non-invasive method of energy work designed to enhance and expand whatever you are doing at the physical level to support your health. It connects you with the Blueprint of health, a fundamental Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow present in the universal energy field and in our bodies and minds. Working with points and pattern in the energy field, this energy is awakened in the individual, and blockages in the body can be released.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. This system of natural healing was founded by Mikao Usui. Reiki differs from other energy healing techniques because practitioners must receive an attunement from a Reiki Master to impart this unique energy. Connected with the ever-flowing light energy of the Universe, Reiki is administered by “laying on hands.” The first syllable REI means “universal” in Japanese, and references the higher dimension of light and the soul (spiritual wisdom). KI is the Japanese word meaning “vital life force energy which inter-penetrates everyone and everything” (life energy). Together, this means “divinely guided universal life force energy.”

Reiki is universal. It is in everything and can be found everywhere. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, E=MC2; energy is matter, and matter is energy. Energy is the vibrating force at the subatomic level, the “stuff” that all things are made of—from humans and animals, to plants and crystals, to our planet and the stars. Even light is energy, sound is energy, our thoughts and emotions are energy. Everything is energy, and energy vibrates at particular frequencies. (This is the basis for Einsteinian medicine, or vibrational/energy medicine.)
Some energies move faster and at a higher frequency (like light). Some move more slowly and at a lower frequency (like sound, or physical matter). These things are scientific and measurable. Energy also consists of fields. For instance, each part of the human body has a particular vibrational field; the eyes, each organ, bones, blood, and so forth. The combination of all these different fields results in a particular vibrational frequency for an individual. Layered into the frequencies of each part of the physical body, are also the frequencies that come from an individual’s emotions and thoughts. The human body is thus a multi-dimensional organism with distinct physical, emotional, and mental systems of energetic fields. These fields can be manipulated for healing by directing energy in the body.
The various energy fields, or dimensions, of our various bodies are all interconnected. What begins as a positive thought, can lead to feelings of happiness and joy, leading to expansive feelings in our physical body, of warmth and pleasure, vitality and wellness. On the other hand, what begins as a negative thought, can lead to negative emotions, and these negative thoughts and feelings can then be held as a memory signature in the energy field or in various organs or cells, which can manifest as symptoms of dis-ease. This ripple effect can begin in any of the various dimensions of a person’s bodies and radiate to the other layers.
Generally speaking, we are happier and healthier when our energy is flowing freely and abundantly. The more positive and expanded our experience, the more energy flows. The less positive and more contracted our feelings and thoughts, the less that it flows. Stress, trauma, injury, negative thoughts, and limiting beliefs can all lead to a person’s energy becoming weak, stifled, or “blocked.” This density can make us feel sick, anxious, unmotivated, disconnected, or stuck.
The power of Reiki is that it simply allows the energy to flow through any blocks in the various bodies of a person, enhancing relaxation and increasing energy flow. Reiki treats the whole person – physical, emotional, mental, etheric (the etheric body delivers energy to your physical body), and spirit. It does this by raising the vibration in and around the area of the physical/emotional body where the negative or dense energies are stored, breaking it up.
In this way, Reiki is multi-dimensional. Divinely guided life force energy that targets those areas in need of healing, thus creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being.
Often a first session will jumpstart the energy flow, and more sessions are needed to finish releasing those blocks for greater health, vitality, and well-being.
It is important to note that Reiki, or any other type of energy healing, does not replace medical advice or the advice of a therapist. However, Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing that works well in conjunction with all other medical and/or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
As a practitioner of USUI Reiki, and other modes of energy healing, I am not providing a cure. I am holding space for a healing to take place, while channeling Reiki energy and Light into that space. The individual receiving the healing is in complete control of what happens during a session – how much is to be released, and how deeply. A lot of this is determined, I believe, by how open someone is to the healing. Having an open mind is the first step, setting a clear intent for the session, and being receptive to the healing energy.
What is Shamanism?
Danu Forest has a great definition of shamanism, from her book The Druid Shaman:
“A shaman is someone who reaches altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world. The term originates from Tungusic and Samoyedic speaking peoples of North Asia, used to describe their magico-religious practitioners; but the term has spread today to describe those from cultures all around the world who act as intermediaries between the mortal world and the infinite, or the realm of spirit. Scholars now believe that most world religions have a basis in shamanic practice, going back as far as the Paleolithic. Historian and philosopher Mircea Eliade called shamanism a ‘technique of religious ecstasy’; the shaman while encountering the world of spirit becomes a conduit for vast amounts of energy, direct from the Otherworld, or Source, to be used and applied in the mortal realm, for healing, guidance, and to effect real change.”
Holographic Theory of the Universe
The Vibrational Medicine book by Richard Gerber, M.D. has fantastic information on scientific explanations for vibrational (energy) healing, crystal healing, and the holographic nature of our Universe.
Holograms are fully three-dimensional images created with lasers. Meaning you can walk all the way around a projected hologram and see all sides of the image as if it were really in the room with you.
Another amazing thing about holograms is that you can cut away a piece of the holographic picture, then hold the smaller piece up to a laser light and see the entire, intact, three-dimensional image. You can cut a holographic image into fifty pieces, and each piece will show the intact three-dimensional image.
This is because holograms demonstrate a unique principle in nature which shows that every piece can contain the essence of the whole.
This same principle applies to the human body, where each cell contains the master DNA blueprint to create an entire duplicate body, and the etheric body provides the holographic energy template to guide the spatial organization of the cells (such as in a developing fetus), as well as provide a roadmap for cellular repair during healing.
What is Distance Healing?
No one really knows how distance healing works, though quantum physics can give us some clues from the scientific realm, where entangled objects behave as a single quantum object, even if separated by vast distances (a phenonemon that has baffled scientists since its discovery over a hundred years ago).
Dr. Emoto proved that thoughts could affect water when he examined and photographed ice crystals after certain thoughts (negative or positive) were sent to the water, and the water was then frozen. Positive thoughts created beautiful, unified patterns; while negative thoughts formed chaotic patterns in the crystals.
Entangled objects continue to communicate as one, regardless of distance. I find this an exciting meeting place between “spooky science” and the spiritual, where Einsteinian medicine can best explain what is happening on the energetic level during a distance healing.
In keeping with the holographic nature of the body (where every cell contains a DNA blueprint of the whole body), this principle can be applied ever outwards to encompass the Universe.
As stated in the What is Reiki? section, the energy fields of the various parts of the human body overlap and combine to create an individual’s unique energy frequency. These overlapping energy fields do not stop at the edge of the body, but continue out into an individual’s aura and beyond, to overlap and combine with surrounding people, animals, plants, and the world. Nothing exists in a vacuum. A human being exists within a community, and has a place within the greater frequency of humanity, as well as a unique place on the planet amongst animal and plant kingdoms, earth and crystals, the solar system, the galaxy, and beyond.
All is connected energetically. As above, so below. In keeping with the holographic nature of the Universe: within each atom is a copy of the Universe.
Distance does not matter. All is One.
What is Crystal Healing?
As stated in the What is Reiki? section, human beings are comprised of many overlapping frequencies. Humans thus tend towards entropy (a state of disorder or randomness), which is also true of most things in the world. Think of a garden, which if left untended will quickly become overrun with weeds.
Syntropy, on the other hand, is a movenment towards order.
The benefits of meditation are well-known and have been reported in many studies: reduced stress, improved memory, increased attention, enhanced willpower, better sleep, less pain, lower blood pressure, less anxiety, less depression, and greater compassion. All of these benefits lead to greater health, vitality, and a sense of well-being.
Meditation quiets the mind, bringing order to the mind, emotions, and body. Greater syntropy (order) thus leads to greater health and more positive feelings.
Crystals, due to their precise atomic structure, maintain their vibrational frequency very easily = they are very ordered = more syntropy. And the more ordered something is, the higher its frequency.
According a physics principle, because of a crystal’s stability and high-amplitude frequency, they dominate and influence the energy around them. “[Crystals] entrain the energy around them. They reduce entropy. When the environment around us has a reduced entropy and we’re being entrained by a stable, precise energy such as that coming from crystals, that allows us to increase our longevity because our health is being boosted and amplified. It’s actually due to coherency within our body. We’re getting more coherent. We’re harmonizing with this precise, stable energy, and that increases our health.” – Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy
This makes crystals great allies to use in energy healing.
Interesting Scientific Properties and Uses of Crystals
“One of the most surprising aspects of the crystal world is its pervasiveness. All solid matter is made up of atomic particles arranged in some definite organized crystalline structure, called a ‘lattice.’ The crystal lattice structure, especially as it is found in minerals such as Quartz, Beryl, Diamond, etc., provides great stability of structure and regularity of flow of any electromagnetic energies that move through it. […] This is why silicon chips are used to provide memory in computers. It is also the reason Quartz cyrstals can be incorporated into watches and clocks to provide highly accurate measurements of time.
A property of Quartz and some other minerals which makes them useful in many areas of everyday life is the piezoelectric effect. […] Crystals which acquire a charge when compressed, twisted, or distorted are said to be piezoelectric. Through the piezoelectric effect, mechanical energy can be transduced into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa. […] crystals are able to transduce the electromagnetic energy of the radio signal back into sound waves which are audible to the listener. Crystal radios do not need a battery or other power source, because they are able to draw energy from the radio waves being transmitted through the atmosphere. The crystal radio is simply a tuned circuit designed to resonate at the frequencies of the AM radio band.” – Robert Simmons, The Book of Stones.
What are Chakras?
‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word for wheel. They are considered the energy centers of the body; points in the body where vital life force enters or leaves the body. The seven major chakras are like spinning wheels of energy/light that run down the spine, from the crown chakra at the top of the head, down to the root chakra at the base of the spine, at the perineum. Energy is distribued throughout the body along the chakra-nadi system. Energy spirals from the chakras at the front and the back of the body.
“When the chakras are open, energy can flow freely, and we feel healthy and positive. When they are closed, we experience reduced well-being. Developing awareness of your subtle energy body and clearing any blocked energy that can be negatively influencing these layers and chakras is the first step to maintaining a healthy, vibrant state. When your subtle energy body is at its optimal vibrancy, you will not only be healthy and balanced, but also you will develop more awareness to the subtle bodies of all of nature. Knowing that verbal communication counts for only 20% of how we communicate, you will also notice more subtle communication or intuitive messaging from unseen sources. These invisible realms, often known as the Causal Plane or multi-dimensional frequencies, exist at higher vibrations or resonances than the reality we know as the physical or third-dimensional plane.” – Alan and Dianna Waugh, Sacred Valley Spiritual Retreat.