A highly versatile crystal grid for clearing, grounding, and bringing more Light into one’s being. It flushes through like crystal-clear spring water, helping one to release that which no longer serves and bringing in more Light and connection to one’s Higher Self. “Soap for the Soul.” This grid acts as an etheric vacuum cleaner, helping remove negative, toxic, or stuck energies from the auric field and all dimensions of the body (etheric, astral, causal, mental, emotional, and physical bodies).
In addition to a general clearing of one’s subtle bodies, this grid can also help with any needed extractions (breaking attachments of negative entities to one’s etheric body), or unhealthy attachments to others.
This clearing grid strongly brings in the White Light to help dissolve and remove all that does not belong, while also being appropriate, natural, and correct for one to release at this time.

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A powerful crystal grid to help clear negative and dense energies, while simultaneously bringing in Divine Love and serenity. Brings in the Pink Ray of the heart, along with the Violet Flame of purification and spiritual awareness. Brings in tremendous clarity and help with mental acuity. Surrounds one in angelic love and Light. Inner peace. Very calming and healing. Balancing for the nervous system and brain. (Very helpful in relieving symptoms of ADD, ADHD, anxiety, dementia, and so forth.) *Combination of the Enhanced Memory Grid, and Peace & Serenity Grid, with addition of powerful crystal clusters*

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Crystal grid to help enhance memory, memory retention, and mental clarity. Great for those with brain fog, difficulty focusing, and/or those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Help heal nerve damage, brain imbalances, brain damage, and genetic disorders that limit brain function. Helps clear distracting thoughts and other blockages to allow brain to resonate with higher spiritual thought forms. Enhances learning, helps calm ADD and ADHD, and helps one achieve and maintain mental balance.

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Broad-spectrum healing (all levels of the body, from auric field to the cells). Help relieve stress and bring pain relief. Energizes the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix (revitalization on the cellular level). Anti-inflammatory. Boost immune system. Support regeneration of tissues in the body, the healing of organs, and balancing of the glandular system. Rejuvenation and renewal. Detoxification and purification. Release old, “stuck” patterns. Soothing. Protection from negative energies.

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Crystal grid to provide support for those with cancer or recovering from cancer. Can help the body heal cancerous tumors, cystitis, fibrosis, polyps, and other growths by providing energetic support to limit spread, and reproduction of cancer cells throughout the body. Helps protect the body from harmful radiation and help stabilize the energy field and physical body during radiation therapy. Brings Broad-spectrum healing (all levels of the body, from auric field to the cells). Helps to release emotional and mental patterns that no longer serve you. Detoxification. Energetic alignment and balance. Regeneration and rejuvenation. Connect with healing guides.

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Crystal grid to help bring peace and serenity. Emotional healing. Pink Ray of the heart, with the Violet Flame of purification and spiritual awakening. Connection between Heart chakra, Heart of the Earth, and Heart of the Universe. Strong currents of Holy Silence. Aids in transforming the physical body into a Body of Light by infusing the cells with satchitananda (truth, consciousness, bliss). Helps lift one into the realms of Light to many higher planes of reality. Connect with spiritual source and expanded consciousness. Help release grief, intense fear and anxiety, resentment or anger, and past trauma. Shift from stress-based physiology to love-based physiology. Self-acceptance and self-love.

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As with all my crystal grids, the Great Central Sun grid will meet you where you are, and only bring in what you are ready and willing to allow for transformation, healing, and DNA activation for your soul’s ascension journey.
Feeling stuck? Having trouble seeing your path, walking your path, or manifesting? The Great Central Sun is Divine Will. It can help clear blocks in the 2nd and 3rd Chakras that impede your ability to manifest. The Great Central Sun is the Source of consciousness in the Universe, existing in the etheric realm. This crystal grid aids in Full Light Body Activation for incarnated Light (Light held in your physical body). It can assist with your Ascension process; only for your Highest Good and whatever is correct and natural for you at this time. For some, this grid can act as an Initiation into the energies of the Great Central Sun, propelling one on their Ascension Path, and helping with clarity as to one’s Divine Path and Purpose on planet Earth.
Regardless of where you are on your soul’s path, the Great Central Sun crystal grid can help facilitate deep healing, help release limiting patterns that are holding you back, and help you manifest that which is for your greatest good.